
The HyperContagion library provides algorithms for simulating and visualizing contagion processes on complex systems with group (higher-order) interactions.


To install and use HyperContagion as an end user, execute

pip install hypercontagion

To install for development purposes, first clone the repository and then execute

pip install -e .['all']

If that command does not work, you may try the following instead

pip install -e .\[all\]

HyperContagion was developed and tested for Python 8-3.11 on Mac OS, Windows, and Ubuntu.

Academic References


If you want to contribute to this project, please make sure to read the code of conduct and the contributing guidelines.

The best way to contribute to HyperContagion is by submitting a bug or request a new feature by opening a new issue.

To get more actively involved, you are invited to browse the issues page and choose one that you can work on. The core developers will be happy to help you understand the codebase and any other doubts you may have while working on your contribution.


The core HyperContagion team members:

  • Nicholas Landry

  • Joel Miller


This project is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause License.

Copyright (C) 2021 HyperContagion Developers